Capital Waters 10 years! Check our plans

We have some nice achievements to share – and an invitation to celebrate.  

First of all, we celebrate the fact that we launched Capital Waters ten years ago. We did so to help startup founders and investors to do their early-stage investment deals more efficiently. We believed that having a standard set of balanced and easy to work with investment documents, would save founders and investors time and money. We found this to be true. Thousands of startup founders and investors have used the Capital Waters deal documents, a number that is growing every day. We are enormously thankful to our users. They make it worthwhile to keep on going with this project.  

Secondly, we also celebrate that various players in the startup and venture capital ecosystem will join Capital Waters as a partner. Renowned startup and venture capital law firms, venture capital investors, and other ecosystem partners have committed to supporting our cause. This does not mean that those parties will work exclusively with Capital Waters templates, but they support the initiative on multiple levels. This also includes limited financial support to Stichting Capital Waters to keep us doing what we are doing (and more to come). We are enormously thankful for their support and look forward to strengthening this partnership the coming years. The first partners are displayed under this email. If you are interested in joining as a partner, please reach out to us.  

Furthermore, we are working on an exciting project together with the TTO’s (technology transfer offices) of multiple universities. The results thereof will be announced soon during the State of Dutch Tech event of Techleap, taking place on 6 March 2024 (see Techleap). Also, new documentation is coming up to help less experienced founders to find their way through the documents. Keep on following us to be the first to know.  

To conclude, we will organize a get-together on 16 April this year to provide a nice opportunity to meet each other and to do some old-fashioned networking. Registration will open soon, but please save the date. We wish you smooth deal-making and look forward to catching up soon.  
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